Motor Learning of a cognitive-motor task after stroke


  • Camila Torriani-Pasin University of São Paulo. School of Physical Education and Sports, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Gisele Carla dos Santos Palma University of São Paulo. School of Physical Education and Sports, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Cristiane Matsumoto Jakabi United Metropolitan Colleges, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Cinthya Walter Federal University of Maranhão. Department of Physical Education, São Luís, MA, Brazil
  • Andrea Michele Freudenheim University of São Paulo. School of Physical Education and Sports, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Umberto César Correa University of São Paulo. School of Physical Education and Sports, São Paulo, SP, Brazil



Motor Learning, Maze Learning, Cognitive Demand, Stroke


The aim of this study was investigated a maze learning in stroke individuals. Forty participants assigned into two groups: experimental (stroke participants; n = 20) and control (neurologically healthy participants; n = 20). The study involved an acquisition phase, a transfer test, and a short-and longterm retention tests. The task consisted in complete a maze, with paper and pen, in the shortest time possible. The dependent variables were execution time and error. Data were analyzed with an Anova- two way with Repeated Measures for these variables. Results showed learning for both groups, but with the experimental group having worse performance compared to control group mainly related error. It was also seen the impact promoted in the task has impaired both groups in the transfer test performance.


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Como Citar

Torriani-Pasin, C., Palma, G. C. dos S., Jakabi, C. M., Walter, C., Freudenheim, A. M., & Correa, U. C. (2020). Motor Learning of a cognitive-motor task after stroke. Revista Brasileira De Educação Física E Esporte, 34(1), 1-9.