Levantamento geofísico no "Abanico el Paso" Cochabamba-Bolívia


  • N Ellert USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Econômica e Geofísica Aplicada
  • C. S Rodas USP; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Econômica e Geofísica Aplicada
  • V Ricaldi Corporación para el Desarrollo de Cochabamba
  • L. A Jaldin Corporación para el Desarrollo de Cochabamba




Eletrorresistividade, água subterrânea e Geofísica Aplicada


Vertical electrical soundings were measured in the Cochabamba sedimentary basin at several alluvial fans (locally called "abanicos"). This paper presents data from the Abanico El Paso. This research attempted to correlate geophysical data with the presence of paleo-channels inside the alluvial fans. These fans, mostly concentrated at the foot of the Cordilheira Ocidental, are about 1 km across and up to 4 km long. Data from deep wells were used to establish a correlation between the geophysical and hydrogeological data. The specific yield of the deep wells can be correlated with the grain size of the sediments. Apparent resistivity values of the vertical electrical soundings, for several AB/2 spacings were used to construct resistivity profiles, were the distance between each measured points corresponds to the distance between the points where a vertical electrical sounding was measured. Once again, the eletro-resitivity method demonstrated its potentiality as an exploration tool.





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