Preformulation studies for the development of a microemulsion formulation from Ambrosia peruviana All., with anti-inflammatory effect


  • Yuri Paola Palacio Taborda Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Food Technology Research Group (GITFCA), Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia; Biological Evaluation of Promising Substances Group, Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
  • Jenny Castro Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia; Biological Evaluation of Promising Substances Group, Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
  • Valquiria Linck Bassani Pharmaceutical Technology Group, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Luis Alberto FrancO Biological Evaluation of Promising Substances Group, Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
  • Carlos-Alberto Bernal Rodríguez Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Food Technology Research Group (GITFCA), Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia; Pharmaceutical Technology Group, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil



Ambrosia peruviana, Preformulation, Stability test, Excipient compatibility study, Microemulsion


Natural products are considered an important source of the therapeutic arsenal currently available. Among these alternatives are the seeds of Ambrosia peruviana (altamisa), whose extract has shown an anti-inflammatory effect. The main objective of this work was to perform a preformulation study of Ambrosia peruviana seeds ethanolic extract, where the main factors that affect the physical, chemical, and pharmacological stability of the extract were evaluated, as well as a compatibility study by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis against different excipients. A dry extract was obtained by rotary evaporation of the seeds macerated with 96% ethanol. The anti-inflammatory activity was determined by measuring its effect on NO production in RAW 264.7 macrophages, stimulated with LPS. The results showed that the dry extract maintained its stability over time when stored at a temperature of 4 and 25ºC, demonstrating its biological activity, the content of phenolic compounds, and its physicochemical parameters remain practically invariable. However, when exposed to high temperatures (60 ºC) it was affected. The thermal analysis revelated that the behavior of most of the selected excipients and the dry extract was maintained, which indicates that it did not present incompatibilities, therefore they can be candidates for formulating a microemulsion.


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How to Cite

Preformulation studies for the development of a microemulsion formulation from Ambrosia peruviana All., with anti-inflammatory effect. (2023). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 59.