Covid-19 and sustainability of life

rethinking state practices from precarity


  • Florencia Paz Landeira National University of General San Martín
  • Ana Cecilia Gaitán National Univerisity of General San Martin



Precarity, Relational work, Interdependence, State


Ethnographic research prior to Covid-19 show that the work toward social inclusion of young people and the strengthening of families in the upbringing and care of their children through social programs is part of interdependence relationships, in those that community leaders mobilize key interpersonal, moral and affective commitments for the concretion of the programmatic objectives, even in ways in which these are reconfigured. In the current juncture, in which the pandemic has reinforced historical inequalities in Argentina and has made life in the poor neighborhoods even more precarious, the relational work carried out by those leaders in the construction of the common and the sustainability of life surfaces as evident. In order to analytically illuminate what is exposed in this context of crisis, the proposal is to engage in dialogue the anthropological literature on the State and social policies with the discussions around the category of precarity and social reproduction of life. Indicating that this dialogue will only be fruitful if it centrally incorporates the category of care in the terms in which critical feminism has defined it.


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Author Biographies

  • Florencia Paz Landeira, National University of General San Martín


  • Ana Cecilia Gaitán, National Univerisity of General San Martin



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Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Landeira, F. P., & Gaitán, A. C. (2020). Covid-19 and sustainability of life: rethinking state practices from precarity. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(supl), 144-152.