Brief summary of conceptual and methodological distinctions between Work Psychodynamics and Psychosociology


  • Lucas Martins Soldera Universidade Estadual de Maringá



Work psychology, Work clinics, Work psychodynamics, Psychosociology


The objective of the present article was to show in a brief way some conceptual and methodological distinctions of Work Psychodynamics and of Psychosociology, aiming at the visualization of its diversities, clarification, and elaboration of a possible intervention. For this, it was used a theoretical research which encompasses theoretical and conceptual development of each one of these approaches. Aiming at embracing this discussion, it was still built a methodological chart for the Work Psychodynamics as well as for the Psychosociology based on benchmark works of each area. Finally, we believe that this article, when comparing both theories, each one with their own particularities, may contribute by offering ways for the readers to choose their preferences and affinities. This was done, bearing in mind the importance of the heterogeneous theoretical dialogue for the approaches that compose the Work Clinics. Still, we need to highlight, according to this clinical proposal, the unviability of working with two or more methodologies in a specific intervention. Concurrently, when getting to know more about the possibilities of the professional psychologist’s performance, we may contribute as well for the development of Work Psychology.


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How to Cite

Brief summary of conceptual and methodological distinctions between Work Psychodynamics and Psychosociology. (2016). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 19(2), 243-253.