Labor reform and labor relations in Brazil: for whom do the bells toll?




Labor reform, Work relations, Conflict


2017 labor reforms are the most far-reaching change Brazilian Labor Laws (CLT) has undergone since its launch. This article compares the new laws and the position on the subject by the CNI and DIEESE, entities which represent two of the most affected social groups: industrial bosses and workers. Based on the framework of neoclassical economics and Dunlop’s studies on Industrial Relations Systems, it is demonstrated that the reform directly serves the employers’ interests, to the detriment of points of view put forward by the workers' entity, reflecting a very unfavourable correlation of forces to the latter, and casting doubt on the explanatory power of Dunlop’s “balanced” systems. The method consists of presenting changes in the legislation, contrasting them with the entities’ positions. There is 100% convergence between the new laws and CNI’s view on the matter, with broad rejection by DIEESE, which indicates the logic behind the reforms: the (neoclassical) recommendation for flexibility in the labor market, an argument that is dear to the bosses, but problematized by several academic studies in work relations field.


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How to Cite

Labor reform and labor relations in Brazil: for whom do the bells toll?. (2021). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 24(1), 103-117.