We from the front line: dialogues on the being of health in the context of the pandemics





Covid-19, Mental health, Worker's health, Health professional


The aim of this study is to share the actions and knowledge of health professionals who work on the front line in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in different regions of Brazil, based on the discussion about their conceptions in relation to finitude, about the paths and strategies adopted and/or necessary to promote their mental health during the period of the pandemic and on the construction of affective and/or traumatic memories of their actions, behaviors and challenges faced on the front line. The method used was the creation of a virtual space for theoretical discussions, exchange of experiences and promotion of mental health, which took place in four moments, once a week, in July 2020. The professionals’ narratives signaled the difficulties and the learning related to the exhaustive confrontation with death, as well as the functional and dysfunctional strategies adopted to face the problems and to maintain mental health. It was concluded that experiencing the protagonism of collective and ethically building a narrative about the experiences of the pandemic proved to be an important care and rebuilding device for the participants in the action.


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Author Biography

  • Ariane Cristiny da Silva Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

    Laboratório de Estudos em Tanatologia e Humanização das Práticas em Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite

We from the front line: dialogues on the being of health in the context of the pandemics. (2021). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 24(2), 265-278. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-0490.v24i2p265-278