
  • Raíssa Furlanetto Cardoso Universidade de São Paulo



french literature; ultra-contemporary literature; autobiography; Annie Ernaux


This article aims to analyze in the light of the articles “Apparition et disparition du témoin: ‘l’autobiographie vide’”, by Yvon Inizan (2015), and “Éthique du récit testimonial, Annie Ernaux”, by Jérôme Meizoz (2010), how is the construction of Les années’ impersonal, collective and empty autobiography, without the usage of “I” and, at the same time, from a singular person. Therewith some issues that are subjacent to the authors choice of refusing to use “I”  justly in an autobiography will be presented and understood.  Firstly, the Les années project and structure will be presented; afterwards, an analysis on how the project is accomplished and which are its enunciative consequences; and lastly, a reflection about how the author’s methodologic and enunciative choices are inserted in the author’s ethical posture in the composition of Les années.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, R. F. (2018). THE REFUSAL OF THE AUTOBIOGRAPHIC “I” IN LES ANNÉES. Revista Criação & Crítica, 21, 37-58.