Connection Angola-Portugal: the days of flight service of a returned people




Retornados, Portuguese literature, Comparative literature


Abstract: The end of the Portuguese military dictatorship through the Revolution of the Cravos announces the beginning of a new period that if it not only reflects in Portugal, but yes in its colonies, over all in Angola and Moçambique, that start to project its processes of independence and construction of a nation made for and for Africans. As result, about half million of Portuguese they are obliged to abandon its houses in Africa and to return for the Metropolis. This work has for objective to tell on these trips portraied in workmanship S.O.S Angola, of the journalist Rita Garci'a. As theoreticians, a literary introduction is used, of the professor Carlos Reis and the concepts of geometry of the memory, the António researchers Souza Ribeiro and Margarida Caulker Ribeiro and of Diáspora, with Stuart Hall.



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Author Biography

  • Pietro Gabriel dos Santos Pacheco, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

    Mestre em Teoria da Literatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil


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How to Cite

Pacheco, P. G. dos S. (2019). Connection Angola-Portugal: the days of flight service of a returned people. Revista Desassossego, 11(20), 234-250.