Claudio Pastro in the context of the art and theology of the Second Vatican Council




Claudio Pastro, Religious art, Vatican II


This article reflects on the figure of Claudio Pastro (1948-2016) as a post-Council artist. It is customary to recall the role bishops and theologians played in disseminating and developing the Vatican II forces for renewal, but the invigorating efforts of Christian artists is easily forgotten. The Second Vatican Council wrought on the topic of liturgical reform, which unfolded into the development of criteria for executing iconographic and architectural programs in sacred places. By recovering the understanding of liturgy as the action of Mystery itself giving life to Church, and by overcoming incumbent ecclesiology, typical of the II millennium, the Council triggered an awakening of the predilection for, and promotion of sacred art. This study shows how theoretical principles in Council documents were received and brought to bear in Claudio Pastro’s works, faithful to the spirit of this 20th century revolutionary ecclesiastic event.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, M. L. (2021). Claudio Pastro in the context of the art and theology of the Second Vatican Council. Estudos Avançados, 35(103), 297-308.