Uma sucinta exposição da noção de honra no Bushidô de Nitobe


  • Gabriel Pinto Nunes


Palabras clave:

honor, ethic, bushido, Japan, Meiji.


The honor understood as a virtue or as axiological invariant is a term that comes human civilization since ages pristine and has an important role in the formation of the modern subject itself. Their existence raises the question of archetypes to explain how a term can be universalized among men in different times and in different historical contexts and with a strong connotation in the act of the subject. In this small article we will expose a possible reading about this term inside the modern ethic Japanese focused in the work Bushido – The Soul of Japan (1900) of Nitobe Inazo (1868-1933), which presents a reinterpretation of the samurai code of conduct aimed at disseminating modern Nipponese values to the international community of the twentieth century.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Gabriel Pinto Nunes
    Mestre em Literatura, Língua e Cultura Japonesa e Bacharel em Filosofia pela FFLCH-USP.





não definida

Cómo citar

Uma sucinta exposição da noção de honra no Bushidô de Nitobe. (2013). Estudos Japoneses, 33, 22-34.