How do teachers stand with respect to the existence and use of zoological gardens and similar parks? Results of an investigation


  • António Almeida Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa



Environmental ethics, Zoological garden, Anthropocentrism, Bio-centrism and eco-centrism


This study is part of a wider investigation that seeks to observe the presence of environmentalist conceptions of anthropocentric, bio-centric and eco-centric characters among teachers from the various levels of schooling below higher education involved in projects of Environmental Education (EE). Sixty teachers were interviewed on various subjects associated to the environmental issue, among which that of the zoological gardens and similar parks. When formatting the data, teachers were split into two groups according to whether they came from levels with or without a single teacher (the first group was composed of 15 child educators and 15 teachers from the 1st cycle; the second group had 15 teachers from the 2nd cycle and 15 teachers from the 3rd cycle and secondary school). This division was considered particularly relevant to the theme under study, since zoological gardens and similar parks traditionally attempt to captivate a younger audience. For teachers belonging to the first group this could lead to increased conflict between their didactic interests and possible values developed in EE. However, no statistically significant difference was observed between the groups regarding the incidence of the different environmental perspectives; the majority of teachers exhibited a bio-centric position, although with a higher frequency in the first group. Considering the surprise with which teachers met the subject of the interview, we tend to think that they seldom approach polemic issues with their pupils within EE projects.


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How to Cite

How do teachers stand with respect to the existence and use of zoological gardens and similar parks? Results of an investigation . (2008). Educação E Pesquisa, 34(2), 327-342.