Bachelard's scientific pedagogy: a reflection in favor of the quality of teacher practice and research


  • Dirce Mendes da Fonseca Centro Universitário de Brasília



Epistemology, Methodology, Scientific pedagogy, Research, teaching and scientific practice


This article takes its analytical axis from the work of Gaston Bachelard in the construction of the "new scientific spirit", and is based on his epistemological contributions as they appear in his scientific pedagogy and analysis of the demise of positivism as a research framework in the Social Sciences. The text introduces Bachelard's historical epistemology, in which all knowledge is regarded as controversial, and that, therefore, old constructions must give way to new constructions. It proposes the notion of rupture to specify a more scientific way to produce science, the notion of dialectic process in the production of scientific knowledge, and the concept of knowledge as a continual process of rectification. It seeks to correlate the scientific pedagogy with pedagogical practice, and shows the possibilities of transformation in the field of teacher education and research based on a particular view of epistemology and of a critical and reflective scientific practice. A scientific pedagogy that must have its eyes on developing formative actions and on having a double perspective: education understood as a social and historical practice. These reflections lead us to articulate theory and practice, and to understand research as a creative practice. From such process should come forth our understanding of what it means to do science, of interdisciplinary practice, of the articulation between theory and practice, and of the integrated learning of research and teaching.


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How to Cite

Bachelard’s scientific pedagogy: a reflection in favor of the quality of teacher practice and research . (2008). Educação E Pesquisa, 34(2), 361-370.