Is it possible to think the political field on the basis of Descartes’ philosophy?


  • Abel Beserra Universidade de São Paulo



Descartes, Politics, Will, Freedom, Generosity, Moral


This article seeks to debate whether it is possible to think the political field based on Descartes’ thought. In general, it is considered that: 1) the theme would have been practically ignored by Descartes; 2) there are indications of what the philosopher thinks about this theme, both in his correspondence and throughout his work. Our position is close to the second alternative, because Descartes would have given a place to the political field through the implications and developments related to the union of the soul and the body. More specifically, through the role of final causality for the practical action of human beings, whether in moral or in politics. In this sense, the concepts discussed in The passions of the soul and in his correspondence with Princess Elisabeth can be illuminating. Thus, our reading is that in Descartes a political field emerges based on the exercise of reason and free will. 


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How to Cite

Beserra, A. (2022). Is it possible to think the political field on the basis of Descartes’ philosophy? . Cadernos Espinosanos, 47, 209-234.

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