The dominant logics in the repertoires of collective action of the city of periphery: a key reading of habitat from the proposal of the National Central Provivienda in Colombia


  • Luis Alfredo Rodriguez Fonseca Universidad de Cundinamarca, Bogotá
  • Jairo Ernesto Bejarano Vargas Universidade de Montreal, Canadá



Periphery Habitat, Social Struggles, Popular Habitat Logics, Urban Transformations


The processes of the popular or the periphery habitat represent struggles and repertoires of collective action with an accumulated richness in research of knowledge, interpretations from different perspectives, and diverse methods of appropriation. Nevertheless, little has been said about their current spatio-temporal transformations. The processes of gentrification that now restore the pathways of popular habitat, and particularly, the logics that operate and have been inherent to the process of production of the city . The above mentioned are constituted , simultaneously, in the explanatory factors of the transformation and loss of the social fabrics that, once, enriched each one of the stages of the process of social production of the habitat. In this article, there is a methodological approach, and a proposal of analyses on habitat’s key of the transformations of the popular neighborhoods, from the interpretation of the logics of the need, of the State, and of the market, which operate in the definition of the singular paths of the neighborhood


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Alfredo Rodriguez Fonseca, Universidad de Cundinamarca, Bogotá

    Geógrafo, docente de la Universidad de Cundinamarca

  • Jairo Ernesto Bejarano Vargas, Universidade de Montreal, Canadá
    Politólogo, master en Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Montreal


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Fonseca, L. A., & Bejarano Vargas, J. E. (2018). The dominant logics in the repertoires of collective action of the city of periphery: a key reading of habitat from the proposal of the National Central Provivienda in Colombia. Revista Extraprensa, 11(esp), 92-105.