Perception of users over 60 through categorization of images captured by hashtags on Instagram in the context of digital mobile technology


  • Melissa Streck Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS



Elderly, Image, Hashtag, Instagram, Perception


This article shows a study on the perception of the elderly in digital media through published images tagged with four hashtags that identify this audience. To do so, the vision of the elderly person about themselves is shown, as well as the view of third parties about this audience. The hashtags determined to perform data collection were in the national and international scope, and the images were subsequently categorized by topics in order to compare them. The research results suggest a divergent perception of the view of self that this audience has versus the view of others. This is shown in the national and international context, generating a discussion about the topic of global population aging and their relation with new technologies.


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Author Biography

  • Melissa Streck, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS

    Escola de Comunicação, Artes e Design


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How to Cite

Streck, M. (2018). Perception of users over 60 through categorization of images captured by hashtags on Instagram in the context of digital mobile technology. Revista Extraprensa, 12(1), 211-228.