Digital resound: case study on NEOJIBA's digital channels


  • Hugo Leonardo Nascimento Gonçalves Centro Universitário Jorge Amado
  • Heitor Ferrari Marback Centro Universitário Jorge Amado



Social integration, Classical music, Orchestras, Pandemic, Social networking



This article investigates, through a case study, the impact of the consumption of contents published by Bahia State Centers of Youth and Children’s Orchestras (NEOJIBA) in their social networking sites, during the pandemic. Therefore, it was found that, in this scenario, the frequent use of digital platforms has been ensuring the public an unprecedented way of enjoyment of these publications. In order to elucidate this theory, we analyzed the engagement and the reach of posts published in May 2021 on NEOJIBA’s Instagram and YouTube channels. Moreover, this work highlights a succinct panorama of the orchestras, as well as establishing a parallel between them and their recurrent presence in digital media today. The conclusion is that classical music enthusiasts have potentially been consuming content hosted on the program’s channels.


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Author Biographies

  • Hugo Leonardo Nascimento Gonçalves, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado

    Specialist in Digital Marketing and Social Media at Jorge Amado University Center (Unijorge) (2020). Journalist graduated in Social Communication with Qualification in Journalism at Unijorge (2012). Creator, author, and editor of the following blogs: O Jornalismo segundo Hugo Gonçalves (The Journalism according Hugo Gonçalves), since October 2009, and Melhores Momentos Musicais (Best Musical Moments), between July 2020 and March 2021.

  • Heitor Ferrari Marback, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado

    PhD in Knowledge Dissemination (UFBA, 2018). Master in Strategic Administration at UNIFACS (2004). Marketing Specialist at UNIFACS (1996) and graduated in Business Administration at UNIFACS (1994). Project Manager at SEBRAE Bahia since March 2018. Professor of postgraduate studies in Social Media at UNIJORGE. Substitute Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBA) (2015-2016). He has been a marketing consultant since 1994 and university professor of undergraduate and graduate courses since 2001, in the areas of Marketing, Communication, Tourism, and Project Management. Experience in coordination of postgraduate and undergraduate courses. International teaching experience (Angola, 2010).


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, H. L. N., & Marback, H. F. (2022). Digital resound: case study on NEOJIBA’s digital channels. Revista Extraprensa, 15(Especial), 833-848.