The notebook Harmonielehre | III | Skizzen and the first stage of composition of Os Degraus do Parnaso, by M. S. Lourenço




Textual scholarship, Lay out, Writing tools, Writing process


Against the backdrop of an encompassing understanding of prescriptive and descriptive textual criticism, this article approaches the study of the writing and revising process based on the observation of the lay out and of writing instruments. The document witness interpreted as an object of modern codicology is a notebook that contains the first version of nine essays included in Degraus do Parnaso, the better known work by the Portuguese writer and philosopher M. S. Lourenço (1936-2009). This notebook is articulated with other similar notebooks extant at the author’s archive. Special attention is given to the writing instruments used by Lourenço (several coloured markers) in order to determine writing patterns and the functions one might ascribe them.


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How to Cite

The notebook Harmonielehre | III | Skizzen and the first stage of composition of Os Degraus do Parnaso, by M. S. Lourenço. (2020). Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 22(1), 9-20.