Digital (hyper)reading and educational book: a philological look at literary reading in Basic Education


  • Elizabeth Mota Nazareth de Almeida Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Patrício Nunes Barreiros State University of Feira de Santana



Philology, Portuguese language, Textbook, Hypermedia


This paper aims to present characteristics of literary texts cited by the textbook, from printed and digital media, and their philological implications in the context of (hyper) reading in Portuguese language classes in Basic Education. For this, literary texts present in book of Cereja, Vianna and Codenhoto (2016), Contemporary Portuguese: Dialogue, reflection and use, from the 1st year of High School were analyzed, relating characteristics of these texts in different supports (paper and screen) and philological reading. The theoretical foundation was based onstudies by Chartier (1999; 2001), Lévy (1999), Dionísio (2006), Coscarelli (2009), and Rojo (2012) to analyze the characteristics of texts present in cyberspace, and Santaella (2004) who discuss issues regarding the profile of the (hyper)reader. Regarding the potential of philological reading for reading training at the Basic School, the texts of Petrucci (1992), Chartier (2002), Said (2007) and Borges and Souza (2012), were used as a basis. As a result, it was observed that, when developing reading practices in the Basic School, it is necessary to explore the potential offered by web, from a humanistic and philological perspective, with a focus on the formation of critical readers and in a digital technological society.


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Author Biographies

  • Elizabeth Mota Nazareth de Almeida, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

    PhD student in Linguistics, by the Postgraduate Program in Linguistic Studies (PPGEL) of the State University of Feira de Santana (2019 -). Master in Letters by the Postgraduate Program in Letters - Professional Master's Degree at the State University of Feira de Santana (2018), developing in her research the Digital Platform for Collaborative Learning, entitled Portal Cibernautas, researching the contributions of collaborative writing in network for the expanding students' writing skills. She acted as supervising professor of the Letras / Inglês subproject of PIBID / UEFS / CAPES, supervising 06 Teaching Initiation fellows in the period 2013-2015, developing projects related to Digital Information and Communication Technologies allied to language teaching and learning, in addition to multi-step practices. Tendered by the State Department of Education of Bahia since 2007, where he works as a teacher at the State Center for Professional Education in Health of the Center of Bahia - former State College of Feira de Santana (2007 - present), teaching the disciplines of Portuguese and Modern Foreign Language - English. He has a specialization in Institutional Psychopedagogy, from Universidade Castelo Branco / RJ (2008). Graduated in Letters - Full Degree (double qualification Portuguese / English) by the State University of Feira de Santana (2004). He has experience working mainly in areas related to Digital Technologies of Information and Communication in Education, reading and writing in cyberculture, collaborative learning environments, teacher training, study of multi-tools and teaching-learning processes in languages.

  • Patrício Nunes Barreiros, State University of Feira de Santana

    Titular Professor of the Department of Letters and Arts at the State University of Feira de Santana, acting in the Licentiate in Letters courses, in the Postgraduate Programs in Linguistic Studies, in Literary Studies and in the Professional Master in Letters (PROFLETRAS). Graduated in Literature (Portuguese and Spanish) and Master in Literature and Cultural Diversity by UEFS, PhD in Literature and Linguistics by UFBA. He did a postdoctoral internship at the Institute of Brazilian Studies at the University of São Paulo, with the help of CAPES (Project PROCAD Edital 071/2013, Proposal N. 156888). He participated in a scientific mission at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, in Spain. He worked in Basic Education as a teacher, coordinator and pedagogical consultant. Since 1999, the researcher Eulálio de Miranda Motta has researched, organized and is responsible for the collection of the referred writer. He coordinates the diction project for the unpublished works of Eulálio Motta, which is funded by CNPq (Universal Call 01/2016 - PROCESS: 422310 / 2016-6) and FAPESB (Call 08/2015 Jovem Cientista Baiano). He has experience in the area of ​​Letters, with an emphasis on Textual Criticism (digital editions), Literary Studies (Eulálio Motta, collections of writers and teaching of literature) and Studies of the Lexicon (Cultural Markers in the translation of Portuguese-Spanish literary works). The research he carries out is related to the Digital Humanities, in projects aimed at developing models of digital editions, digital teaching resources for teaching language and literature, and developing a bilingual online dictionary of cultural markers. He has participated in scientific events in Brazil and abroad and published books, book chapters and articles in the scientific areas in which he operates. He is editor of the magazines A Cor das Letras and Légua & Meia, member of the GT of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology of ANPOLL. He is the Leader of the Research Group on Interdisciplinary Studies in Digital Humanities, Philology and Collections of Writers (CNPq). In 2014, he created the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Digital Humanities (neiHD) and was its coordinator from 2014 to 2018. At UEFS, he assumed several administrative positions and coordinations, such as: coordination of the Spanish Language area of ​​the University for All Project (2004-2005); coordination of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), Spanish Language subproject (2014-2018); coordination of collegiate of the course of Letters: Portuguese and Spanish (2015-2017), being chairman of the committee for reformulating the course curriculum; coordination of foreign languages ​​and literature (2004-2007 / 2014-2015); vice-coordinator of Profletras (2015-2017) and coordinator of PPGEL / UEFS (2019-2020). He was a representative of the Department of Letters in the scientific initiation committee (2013-2014), of the Licenciaturas forum (2016-2018) and of the UEFS Distance Education Commission. Currently, he is a representative of the Department of Letters Arts on the journals committee.


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How to Cite

Digital (hyper)reading and educational book: a philological look at literary reading in Basic Education. (2020). Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 22(2), 213-232.