Periphrasis with the verb dever in the portuguese translation of Vita Christi by Ludolph of Saxony


  • José Barbosa Machado Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro



Periphrasis, Periphrastic conjugation, Semi-auxiliary verb, Verb dever, Vita Christi


With this study we intend to identify the occurrences of the periphrases formed by the verb dever in the printed Portuguese edition of Vita Christi, what is their semantic value, what are the most common tenses of the semi-auxiliary verb, which pronouns depend on the semi-auxiliary verb and which are the main verbs in the infinitive. We will also refer to some particular cases, such as the reinforcement of the semi-auxiliary verb with another verb or verbal expression and the formation of complex periphrases.

The periphrases under analysis have the following configurations: dever + infinitive, dever + de + infinitive and dever + a + infinitive. The last two ceased to belong to standard Portuguese, being frequent in texts from the 15th century. The dever + infinitive periphrasis is still widely used in the Portuguese language today.

Vita Christi, which serves as the corpus for this study, is a religious work composed in Latin that tells the evangelical life of Christ, by Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295-1377). Translated into Portuguese at the time of King D. Duarte (1391-1438), it was printed in Lisbon in 1495 by the German printers Valentino de Moravia and Nicholas of Saxony. Due to its length (1173 pages in four parts), it is a great base for studies about the characteristics of Portuguese in the 15th century.


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How to Cite

Periphrasis with the verb dever in the portuguese translation of Vita Christi by Ludolph of Saxony. (2021). Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 23(2), 151-166. (Original work published 2022)