Can the timed up and go test be used as a predictor of muscle strength in older adults?




Muscle Strength, Aged, Geriatric Assessment, Physical Functional Performance


This study analyzed the Timed Up and
Go test (TUG) as a tool to evaluate muscle strength in
community-dwelling older people. As a methodology,
an observational, cross-sectional and analytical study was
conducted. Data from 442 older people were analyzed,
both women (71.7%) and men (28.3%). Ages ranged
from 62– 104 years, with a mean of 80.85 (±8.047) years.
TUG was used as a tool to evaluate muscle strength.
Comparison and correlation analyses were performed
to compare performance between the TUG and the
chair stand test (CST) and between TUG and handgrip
strength (HGS). Analysis of agreement between the
diagnosis of low physical performance on TUG and the
diagnosis of muscle weakness on CST and HGS was
also performed. The predictive values were estimated
using the receiver operating characteristic curve.
The analyses showed a moderate direct proportional
correlation between TUG and CST performance and low
inversely proportional correlations between TUG and
HGS performance and between CST and HGS (p<0.001).
In the accuracy analyses, it was observed that TUG test
could predict muscle strength in CST (S 34.4%; PPV 91.5%;
NPV 26.1%; AUC=0.779; 95%CI 0.724–0.835; p<0.001) and
handgrip dynamometry (S 44.2%; PPV 77.4%; NPV 67.2%;
AUC=0.652; 95%CI 0.599–0.705; p<0.001). The Timed Up
and Go test was able to satisfactorily indicate individuals
with normal muscle strength in CST


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How to Cite

Can the timed up and go test be used as a predictor of muscle strength in older adults?. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 30(1), e22013723pt.