Implicit modeling to detail the Temporal Conceptual Model of a Complex Area with remediation of Combined Plumes in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo




Contaminated site management, Conceptual model, Complex areas, Combined plumes, Remediation, Implicit modeling


There are contaminated properties and regions that have been named abroad as Complex Areas due to the existence of technical or non-technical challenges that require atypical strategies and timelines for their restoration. One such study area, with more than 20 years of environmental management, was subjected to Implicit Modelling to assist in the detailing and evaluation of its Temporal Conceptual Model. The results reinforced a clear and holistic understanding of its evolution and challenges, including the existence of Combined Plumes generated from distinctly source areas. Interventions in the area were confirmed to have benefited from regional understandings and aspects of Adaptive Management, such as the definition of intermediate objectives, continuous refinement of the conceptual model and remediation. It was concluded that recognizing Complex Areas and applying Adaptive Management has the potential to assist the management of more sites in Brazil. This is recommended to be done while taking into account local adaptations and considerations, such as: including in the definition of Complex Areas that the challenges should demonstrably present high complexity and require atypical times for restoration or rehabilitation (more than 15 years, in São Paulo); considering as a technical challenge the extensive mantle of weathering of humid tropical regions; considering as a technical and non-technical challenge the high number of unregistered catchment wells; considering as a non-technical challenge the existence of socioeconomic conflicts; evaluating, including with isotopic studies, the possible presence of Combined Plumes.


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How to Cite

Hart, S. T. ., Bertolo, R. A. ., Feig, R. ., Barreto, F. S. ., Di Giovanni, J. C. D. G., Gouvêa Júnior, J. C. R. ., & Agostini, M. S. . (2023). Implicit modeling to detail the Temporal Conceptual Model of a Complex Area with remediation of Combined Plumes in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(3), 57-70.