Self-efficacy, neonatal care, parenting, validation, health psychology.Resumo
Introduction: self-efficacy matches the belief that a person has that she is able to produce the results she wants to achieve. The beliefs of self-efficacy that parents have about the baby emerge as a powerful predictor of positive parenting. Objective: this study aimed to evaluate the maternal self-efficacy behavior in hospitalized mothers and validate an instrument for measuring this concept developed and validated in England by Barnes and Adamson-Macedo, in 2007. Method: this crosssectional exploratory study convenience cohort comprised 87 mothers of newborn babies, 26 premature and 61 full-term infants. The scale Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy (PMP S-E), which consists of 20 items that represent four subscales was tested for reliability and validity. Results: the internal consistency of the scale PAEPM reached a value of .86, the internal consistency and reliability estimates for each of the subscales also reached acceptable values. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) confirmed the validity of the construct and the scores of self-efficacy were normally distributed for both subgroups and total sample. Conclusions: PMP S-E scale proved to be an easy application tool and psychometrically robust, reliable and valid for use with mothers of hospitalized new-borns both premature as the term clinically stable. It is a reliable method of identifying mothers of babies who need more support from the hospital staff.Downloads
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