Media nature and reading protocols of the digital book


  • Carina Ochi Flexor Universidade de Brasília (UnB)



Digital book, Reading protocols, Reading experience


Discusses the implications of the materiality of the application books in the reading experience, recognizing actors that impose an updating of the reading protocols proposed by Chartier.Starting from the discussion of the ontological nature of the digital book, the article advances by presenting the protocols of the system, in the read and in the space.Conceptual operators of the book literature are articulated with the notions about the reading protocols and the computational pragmatics of the new media. From a qualitative-exploratory approach, the results that indicate the ontology of the media as a propeller of protocols that place materiality as the central point of the reader's transformations in digital environment.


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How to Cite

Flexor, C. O. (2020). Media nature and reading protocols of the digital book. MATRIZes, 14(2), 307-324.