Las Voces que Somos, an indigenous dialogic media utterance for liberation




Paulo Freire, Mikhail Bakhtin, Dialogue, Media utterances, Indigenous communication


In this article I review Paulo Freire’s theories of anti-dialogic action and of dialogic cultural action, as well as Bakhtin’s notion of dialogue and utterances. Drawing from these, I focus on a communication project of Indigenous media and communication practitioners from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, and on one of its media products which I consider a media utterance. I argue that the core themes of the communication project and a radio series that addresses them reflect the dialogue between Indigenous communication practitioners and the ongoing reality they face that menaces their territories and ways of life. Dialogue is a key component of a communicative process that shapes our understanding of the world-system and makes differences and inequalities evident.


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Author Biography

  • Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

    Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Departamento de Humanidades. San Andrés Cholula – Puebla, México


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Communication beyond the announcements

How to Cite

Magallanes-Blanco, C. (2021). Las Voces que Somos, an indigenous dialogic media utterance for liberation. MATRIZes, 15(3), 51-70.