Portrait of the interactive spectator as musician





Science-fiction, Netflix, Contemporary music


With the help of Goodman and Genette, the author develops two major concepts previously coined by the former – autography and allography – to help answer the question as to whether the opposition between film and TV series has to do with differences in artistic quality, a debate exacerbated by Netflix’s candidacy at film festivals. Using also a comparison with music partitions, the article wonders whether the viewer of the interactive work may be called an operator, performer, player, or interpreter.


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Author Biography

  • Francois Jost, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

    Professor Emérito da Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, onde criou o Centre d’Études sur l’Image et le Son Médiatiques (CEISME).


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How to Cite

Jost, F. (2022). Portrait of the interactive spectator as musician. MATRIZes, 16(1), 59-75. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v16i1p59-75