Intellectual irradiations: A decade of collaboration with graduate program in communication sciences of the university of São Paulo




Culture, Visuality, Art, Advertising, Communication


In this article we present a synthesis of collaboration with the RCT over a decade in Communication research. Our contribution always had an epistemic origin in studies on visual culture, and we present our findings in an interdisciplinary format. Among the most relevant issues are the notions of semiotic irradiation, publicism, and the contribution of visual studies in the knowledge of the phenomenon of the reception of advertising. We highlight in the conclusions the importance of emotions, feelings, and sensory sensations in the current phenomena of communication. The body is the artifact of postmodernity to merge history, industry, advertising, and politics by the expression of human desires in media discourses.


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How to Cite

Contreras, F. . (2023). Intellectual irradiations: A decade of collaboration with graduate program in communication sciences of the university of São Paulo. MATRIZes, 16(3), 39-54.