Political tragedies: an issue of communication


  • Ciro Marcondes Filho Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes




truth, trustworthy information, disinformation, journalism, democracy


Up to now, public organs, institutions of control, and social agents are unable to deal with the issue of fake news and demand answers from scholars. Such complexity increases since it involves international agents, foreign governments, and offices, equipment, and machines for the production and overloading of information, which are funded by donations and millionaire transactions that greatly transcend the capacity of governments to offer effective measures against this ill-intentioned use of democracy. However, this fails to prevent us from accepting the challenge. After years of investigation and debates on ideas, we may arrive at propositions that are able to revert the process and guarantee the recovery of trust in democracy and in decision-making processes for all.


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How to Cite

Marcondes Filho, C. (2024). Political tragedies: an issue of communication. MATRIZes, 18(1), 7-19. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v18i1p7-19