Benefits of using the frequency inverter in level control of water supply systems


  • Marcos Batista dos Santos Devry Área 1 - Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologias



Energy efficiency, Frequency inverter, Water reservoir


This article aims the application of frequency inverter in industrial processes that work with many starts and stops of motor pump sets in water supply systems, which do not have fixed consumption demand and have their equipment sized to support the most critical cases. The study was carried out at the Elevated Station of the Bahia Water Supply Company, in the neighborhood of Garcia, in the city of Salvador (Brazil), where the system was implemented. The application aims to acquire energy savings, better utilization of the level of operation of the pool and less wastage of the equipment involved in the system. The result was satisfactory. Despite the need for some structural changes in the process, the energy savings were easily demonstrated in the first month of implementation of the new system, bringing a financial return in a less than expected time and great savings in the coming periods.


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How to Cite

Benefits of using the frequency inverter in level control of water supply systems. (2019). Mecatrone, 4(1), 18.