Brazilian marginal literature in the current French context: an interview with Paula Anacaona


  • Priscilla Coutinho Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3



What would be the place of Brazilian marginal literature in the current international  scene ? The voice that coming from suburbs would be a developing form of literary expression, or just a repetition of a cliché historically attributed to Brazilian society?

In an frank conversation, Paula Anacaona explain her point of view on this matter, sharing her professional experience in the French editorial environment.

Founder the Anacaona's editions, her project was motivated of a personal desire to spread the literary production of minorities and their diversities.

Her publications focus on narratives considered marginal.

Indeed, such publications predominantly come from the urban suburbs or deeply rural areas of Brazil.

However, in revealing these “forgotten” spaces and these silenced voices, could we be contributing to the spread of a singular literary movement, or could we once again be falling into the trap of the expected Brazilian "exoticism"?

These are some points that we consider to reflect through this interview.


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Author Biography

  • Priscilla Coutinho, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

    Doutora em Estudos Lusófonos –Literatura Brasileira pela Université Sorbonne Nouvelle –Paris 3 e pela Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é leitora de português na Université de Bourgogne.



How to Cite

Coutinho, P. (2018). Brazilian marginal literature in the current French context: an interview with Paula Anacaona. Opiniães, 13, 28-35.