Tragedy and Redemption of the Mother-Slave Character: a Comparative Analysis of Mãe, by José de Alencar, and Cancros sociais, by Maria Angélica Ribeiro




Maria Angélica Ribeiro, José de Alencar, Cancros Sociais, Mãe, Reflective dramaturgy


This article aims to offer a comparative analysis between the play Mãe, by José de Alencar (1829-1877), and Cancros sociais, by Maria Angélica Ribeiro (1829-1880). Maria Ribeiro was a pioneer playwright in the Brazilian female dramaturgy field of the 19th century. Therefore, this analysis, in addition to strengthening the field of study of both plays, also intends to present a thoughtful sight on one of the most acclaimed works of Maria Ribeiro. Cancros sociais may be considered a reflective dramaturgy of Mãe, which encourages an analysis, among other aspects, of the construction and denouement of the mother-slave character that, depending on the author, has different temperaments and opposite attitudes, revealing specific intentions or political positions from each playwright. Above all, this article focuses on two productions written in an anachronistic time, contrasting contemporary and historical thoughts contained in the analyzed plays. Comparing these works requires a certain distance in order to understand the artistic works from the social and cultural norms at that time.


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Author Biography

  • Jean Bruno Carvalho, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

    Jean Bruno Carvalho é performer, ator e pesquisador do teatro, com foco em dramaturgia pelo viés da arte da performance (PIBIC/CNPq: “A fricção do corpo vivo com o concreto da cidade pelo viés da performatividade”). Estudante de Bacharelado em Artes Cênicas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas e Universidade de Évora, Portugal), é integrante da Cia. TaDá de teatro de formas animadas. Sua pesquisa atual está sobre a dramaturgia teatral feminina oitocentista de Maria Angélica Ribeiro (FAPESP processo n. 2019/16461-3: "A dramaturgia-reflexo de Maria Angélica Ribeiro: aquela considerada a primeira dramaturga brasileira").


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FARIA, João Roberto. O teatro realista no Brasil: 1855-1865. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1993.

RIBEIRO, Maria Angélica. Cancros sociais. In. SOUTO-MAIOR, Valéria Andrade (org.). Maria Ribeiro, teatro quase completo. Florianópolis: Mulheres, 2008.

SILVEIRA, Éder. A polêmica Alencar-Nabuco e a crise da poética romântica. In: IX Encontro Estadual de História, julho, 2008, Porto Alegre. Anais eletrônicos. Porto Alegre: IFCH – URGS, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 nov. 2020.

SOUTO-MAIOR, Valéria Andrade. Gabriela e Cancros sociais: a estratégia palimpséstica no teatro de Maria Angélica Ribeiro. In: MALUF, Sheila Diab; AQUINO, Ricardo Bigi de (org.). Dramaturgia e teatro. Maceió: Edufal, 2004.



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How to Cite

Carvalho, J. B. (2020). Tragedy and Redemption of the Mother-Slave Character: a Comparative Analysis of Mãe, by José de Alencar, and Cancros sociais, by Maria Angélica Ribeiro. Opiniães, 17, 575-596.