Peeking Through: the Textual Seduction in Chronicle of the Murdered House




Lúcio Cardoso, Chronicle of the Murdered House, Pleasure of the Text, Hermeneutics, Eroticism


This work analyzes the eroticization effect of the text in Chronicle of the Murdered House (1959), by Lúcio Cardoso. We seek to understand this subject beyond the content of the novel itself, which is already filled with the outbursts of the characters' desires, but identifying how the management of the novels's language presents itself as a seductive element. As a first step, the voyeuristic behavior of the characters, accustomed to sneaking in cracks to spy on each other, is linked to the reader's activity. Then, language, through the temporal openings, and the own structure of the text, through the suppression of excerpts from the narratives, are approached as components that reinforce this intense play of appearance-disappearance seen in the text. Finally, we add to the analysis a series of critical propositions regarding the role of concealment in art, understanding this resource as responsible for providing something erotic to the narrative architecture of Chronicle of the Murdered House.


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Author Biography

  • Frederico van Erven Cabala, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

    Doutorando em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Possui mestrado em Literatura Brasileira e Teoria Literária pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e especialização em Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Desenvolve pesquisas sobre a literatura e o teatro no Brasil de meados do século XX, sobretudo as produções artísticas de Lúcio Cardoso, Oswald de Andrade e Nelson Rodrigues e suas relações com a sociedade.


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How to Cite

Cabala, F. van E. (2020). Peeking Through: the Textual Seduction in Chronicle of the Murdered House. Opiniães, 17, 201-219.