Fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos de pesquisas sobre ambientalização da escola


  • Maria Inés Copello Universidad de la República



school environmentalization, qualification for action, Learning Community


This article deals with the subject school environmentalization and purposes the discussion of the theoretical and methodological bases of the Environmental Education researches which are centered in this subject. This conception is considered by the PPGEA group (Furg's Post-graduation Programme in Environmental Education) as one of the important questions of the Environmental Education in what refers to formal education. Based on it, PPGEA has been working in researches related to it. In this sense, the article covers mostly the discussion of what we understand by school environmentalization. Furthermore, although the article length doesn´t allow us to make a deep discussion about the methodological aspects, we discuss about the necessary relation and the coherence between the question addressed by and the methodology of these researches. This article begins pointing out some arguments concerning what we understand by Environmental Education, intending to design a conceptual mark in which it is possible to discuss the school environmentalization. We admit that connecting the development of attitudes of resistence and responsibility to the appreciation of fellowship and respect to different people suggests a path for the Environmental Education associated with the qualification for action in what refers to the search of a fraternal, sympathetic and fair society. Next - after assuming and justifying that the Environmental Education is not exclusive or mostly a property of the formal teaching, but shared by the formal, no-formal and informal fields -, we begin the explicitation of what we understand by school environmentalization. The argumentation leads to the idea that this environmentalization brings damages to the school in its organization and action, as well to each of its members individually. It has an impact on the explicit curriculum and also on the hidden curriculum. It is based on a divergent perspective, on criativity, on the search for new ways of collective work which surpass acritical routines and capacitate for a compromising action with a community which is received, recognized as an integral part and accepted as a partner by the school. This text introduces the concept of Learning Community as a strategy which intends to form an environmentalized school.


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How to Cite

Copello, M. I. (2006). Fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos de pesquisas sobre ambientalização da escola . Pesquisa Em Educação Ambiental, 1(1), 93-110.