The Latin-american routes of democracy: an insight through “América Latina em seu labirinto

Democracia e autoritarismo no século XXI” from Pereira da Silva




Latin America, Democracy, Autoritarism, Political Stability, New Types of Coup d'Etat


In "América Latina em seu labirinto: Democracia e autoritarismo no século XXI", Fabricio Pereira da Silva expounds on the articles the particularities and challenges of social studies in the analysis of democracy in Latin America. Empathy with a "onda rosa" - a phenomenon in which lefts parties were elect -, passing through its peculiarities and evaluations, to the most recent moment of the neogolpes. This review presents the main elements of the research carried out by Pereira da Silva, with the characteristics identified by the author and the importance of the critical sense to break with certain hegemony in the field studied.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Pimenta Bueno, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    P.h.D candidate in International Relations Graduate Program  at the Rio de Janeiro State University.E-mail:


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How to Cite

Bueno, M. P. (2019). The Latin-american routes of democracy: an insight through “América Latina em seu labirinto: Democracia e autoritarismo no século XXI” from Pereira da Silva. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 18(35), 203-210.