Community and collective identity - the challenges of integration: the case of Palmira in Guantanamo, Cuba




Collective Identity, Community, Urban immigration, Social integration, Social structure


The present article is about the process of formation and consolidation of unplanned urban communities in the city of Guantánamo, Cuba. The research carried out in the Palmira community, between 2011 and 2019, held the following objective: Analyze the process of configuration of collective identity, and its relationship with community social integration strategies. Various empirical research methods and techniques were applied: survey, ethnographic observation, life stories, in-depth interviews, and discourse analysis; As a fundamental theoretical method was applied, the analysis and synthesis of theories that address collective identity from a sociological perspective. The sample chosen for the study was 777 people (63.5% of the estimated population until 2019). The study allowed the description and analysis of the identity reconfiguration process in the community, which goes from the formation of family conglomerates and place of origin, towards the stage of community consolidation and collective identity construction. In this process, new forms of social relationship are established, which facilitates integration into the broad and complex urban network, giving people new identifying attributes around the community as a provider structure for social integration.


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Author Biography

  • David Rubio Mendez, Universidad de La Habana. Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Sociología

    Sociologist. Master in Community Cultural Development. Faculty of Philosophy, History and Sociology, Havana University. E-mail:;


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How to Cite

Rubio Mendez, D. (2021). Community and collective identity - the challenges of integration: the case of Palmira in Guantanamo, Cuba. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(39), 261-284.