Urban habitat in the second decade of the 21st century: Cuban experience





Urban habitat, XXI Century, Cuba


As an alternative to the hegemonic model in the region, Cuba advocates maintaining and inclusive and just society with the best possible quality of life for all, in a difficult political context. The article seeks a critical reflection on contributions and limitations in the theoretical and practical achievements of the last decade, as a result of the continuous work of a research group that articulates science, training and extension in response to problems, objectives and projects, in the construction of a theoretical body that serves as a methodological basis for the evaluation and proposal of innovative solutions. Starting from the theoretical framework and the antecedents from the second half of the 20th century, some experiences and future challenges are presented and discussed. The strengths of the Cuban model stand out, such as the sense of community, solidarity, social organization, resilience, initiative, creativity, human development, scientific capital, and the presence of a state that watches over justice and equity. The fundamental challenges refer to the urgent approval of the policy and the law that guides the development of the urban habitat under the integrated management of a single institution, a better use of technical scientific capital in this field and avoiding the stratification of the city.

Starting from the theoretical framework and the background since the second half of the XX Century, experiences and future challenges are presented and discussed. Some strengths of the Cuban model are remarked, like the sense of community, solidarity, social organization, resilience, initiative, creativity, human development, scientific capital, and the presence of a state that ensures justice and equity. The main challenges are referred to the urgent approval of the policy and law to guide the development of the urban habitat under the integrated manage of a single institution, a better use of technical scientific capital in this field and to avoid stratification of the city.


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Author Biography

  • Dania González Couret, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana (CUJAE)

    Arquitecta, 1979, Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas (PhD.), 1994; Doctora en Ciencias, 2007. Profesora Titular (2001), Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana (CUJAE); Miembro Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (2012). E-mail:daniagcouret@gmail.com


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How to Cite

González Couret, D. (2021). Urban habitat in the second decade of the 21st century: Cuban experience. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(39), 285-317. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1676-6288.prolam.2021.177997