Effects of one resistance training session on body checking behaviors in male adults


  • Leonardo de Souza Fortes Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Jeferson Macedo Vianna Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Liliane Cunha Aranda Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino Universidade Estadual de Londrina




Body image, Exercise, Resistance Training


The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of a session of resistance training on body checking in male adults. Participants included 50 volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years. A single session of resistance training was performed, and we used hypertrophy as our training method. Body checking behaviors were assessed using the Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ). Participants answered the MBCQ before (T1), immediately after (T2), and 24 h (T3), 48 h (T4) and 72 h (T5) after the resistance training session. The findings showed no difference in the subscale "compared to other people" (p=0.32). However, statistically significant differences were found for the subscales “use of reflective surface” (p=0.03), "check by clamping" (p=0.04) and "evaluation by others" (p=0.02). We concluded that a single session of resistance training was able to positively change some body checking behaviors of male adults.


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How to Cite

Fortes, L. de S., Ferreira, M. E. C., Vianna, J. M., Aranda, L. C., & Cyrino, E. S. (2018). Effects of one resistance training session on body checking behaviors in male adults. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 32(1), 25-32. https://doi.org/10.11606/1807-5509201800010025