Intersection between physical education and philosophy: essay for sports teaching and gender equality in high school


  • Mateus Henrique Servilha de Lucca Governo do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • Roberson Augusto Marcomini Governo do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.



Mateus Henrique Servilha de Lucca, Interdisciplinary, School, Practical, Social, Pedagogical


The process of teaching and learning sports in school Physical Education has occupied a large space in the pedagogical practices of teachers at different levels of education. There is a pedagogical concern in breaking paradigms of reductionist teaching of sport, exacerbating the need to prioritize not only
technical-tactical, but also socio-educational and historical-cultural aspects. A sporting experience and presentation that does not include these references, takes the risk of discouraging the learning process of sports. Therefore, philosophy opens the way for democratic reflection in sport and equal rights. Thinking of interdisciplinary dialogues and having the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) and the emerging trends of Sport Pedagogy as a structural base, it is expected to present and discuss interdisciplinary pedagogical possibilities within the school, school Physical Education and Philosophy,
consolidating perspectives that develop the phenomenon in its entirety and in a democratic way. For this, a didactic unit was organized in four meetings between the Philosophy and Physical Education classes, to identify, dialogue and discuss the importance of gender equality in sport. In short, it is expected to present pedagogical possibilities to address the topic within the school environment, and from there, motivate new interventions that are able to mobilize not only knowledge for classes, but also beyond the walls of the school.


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How to Cite

Lucca, M. H. S. de ., & Marcomini, R. A. . (2021). Intersection between physical education and philosophy: essay for sports teaching and gender equality in high school. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 35(Especial), 77-81.