The use of Geoindicators in the rural landscape: Contributions for the analysis of the Anthropogenic Morphological changes in Cavalheiro Stream Basin – Analândia City (SP)


  • Leandro de Godoi Pinton Universidade Estadual Paulista. Rio Claro-SP
  • Cenira Maria Lupinacci da Cunha Universidade Estadual Paulista. Rio Claro-SP



Anthropogeomorphology, Geoindicadors, Geomorphologic Cartography, Rural Landscape.


The elaboration of new methodologies in Anthropogeomorphology has contributed to measure the morphological changes induced by the human being. In this context, the geoindicators systematization allows the quantitative reading of different geomorphological parameters. The diversity of environmental systems and the higher intensity of anthropic actions suggest the need of more specific geoindicators. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the establishment of anthropogenic morphologies associated with the changes regarding the land use in rural areas, and drawing upon this analysis, discuss geoindicators which allow the quantification of landforms that indicate geomorphlogical processes accelerated by the anthropic action. The natural disposition of Cavalheiro Stream Basin – Analândia city (SP), in the transition between Basalt-Sandstone Cuestas and São Paulo State Peripheral Depression, along with the essentially rural land use fundamented its classification under such perspective. The correlation analysis of the data obtained from geomorphological and land use maps over a 51-year period allowed the creation of geoindicators to monitor the anthropogenic features, yielding a list to be used in systems with natural dynamics and land use similar to the studied area.


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Author Biographies

  • Leandro de Godoi Pinton, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Rio Claro-SP
    Doutorando em Geografia, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Rio Claro-SP
  • Cenira Maria Lupinacci da Cunha, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Rio Claro-SP
    Profª. Drª. do Departamento de Planejamento Territorial e Geoprocessamento (DEPLAN), Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Rio Claro-SP






How to Cite

Pinton, L. de G., & Cunha, C. M. L. da. (2015). The use of Geoindicators in the rural landscape: Contributions for the analysis of the Anthropogenic Morphological changes in Cavalheiro Stream Basin – Analândia City (SP). Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 29, 1-19.