
  • Francisco Assis Mendonça Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
  • Francisco Jablinski Castelhano UFPR – Pós-graduando - LABOCLIMA – UFPR



Air Quality, TSP, Weather types, Climate conditions, Curitiba


The decrease of air quality it is one of the main environmental problems in the urban centers through the world. The climate conditions, related to some determinants factors of the air quality have a direct impact over the process of dispersion and accumulation of the pollutants. The relation between air quality and climate is focused in this paper under da SCU – Urban Climate System – as proposed by Monteiro (1976). The city of Curitiba, south of Brazil, keeps a monitoring network of air quality (Environmental Institute of Paraná – IAP). To understand how this relation works hourly data of TSP (Total Suspended Particles) pollutant were collected from three different official monitoring stations located in the urban zone of the city. This data was treated with the statistical analysis software R, and the correlations between the meteorological factors and the pollutant were tested using the Pearsons Index. In order to analyze the temporal dynamics of the TSP, were inserted in the tests a time lag until 24 hours, trying to understand if the correlation is immediate or late. Also, for the atmospheric dispersion, were made a weather types analysis using the Rhytmic Analyse method (Monteiro, 1971). The results suggest that the variable with most correlation is relative humidity. All of this variables presents a negative correlation with the TSP index, and higher concentrations under extra-tropical atmospheric systems.


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Author Biography

  • Francisco Assis Mendonça, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
    Possui Graduação (UFG, 1983), Mestrado (Geografia Física / Meio ambiente - USP, 1990), Doutorado (Clima e planejamento urbano - USP, 1995) e Pós-doutorado (Epistemologia da Geografia - Université Sorbonne/Paris I/França, 2005 ; Estudo do ambiente urbano - Universidad de Chile - 2014) em Geografia. É Professor Titular do Departamento de Geografia da UFPR. Professor convidado na Université de Sorbonne/Paris I/Institut de Géographie (2002), na Université de Haute Bretagne/Rennes II/França (2004) e pesquisador convidado na London School of Hygine and Tropical Medecine (Londres/Inglaterra 2005) e no Laboratoire PRODIG/França (Univ. sorbonne/Paris 1, 2005). Membro da CoC - Comissão de Climatologia da UGI - União Geográfica Internacional (desde 2012), e do Conselho de Administração da AIC - Associação Internacional de Climatologia (2003-2006, e desde 2013). Presidente da ABClima - Associação Brasileira de Climatologia (2002-2004), da ANPEGE - Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Geografia (2007-2009), e membro da direção da ANPPAS (Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Ambiente e Sociedade (2004-2008). Tem experiência na área de Geografia e Geociências, com ênfase em Geografia e Meio Ambiente, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Estudo do Ambiente urbano, Climatologia, Geografia da Saúde, e Epistemologia da Geografia. É pesquisdor 1A-CNPQ desde 2013. (Texto informado pelo autor)



How to Cite

Mendonça, F. A., & Castelhano, F. J. (2016). THE CLIMATE AND THE TSP AIR POLLUTION AT CURITIBA - PR. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, spe, 133-144.