Musical performance: preliminary stage for research production


  • Sonia Regina Albano de Lima Universidade Estadual Paulista



abductive reasoning, arts research, making music, preliminary research stage


The article portrays the types of reasoning applied in the sciences and arts, how artistic research is carried out, what are its characteristics and objectives. With regard to research modalities in music and the way in which musical performers develop a preliminary stage of musical research capable of supporting more advanced research in the sector. The publications by Marconi & Lakatos, L. Santaella, among others, and the musical interpreters who report how they develop their performances are based on part of this article, a situation capable of supporting important research in this sub-area.


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Author Biography

  • Sonia Regina Albano de Lima, Universidade Estadual Paulista

    Sonia Regina Albano de Lima. Doctorate in Communication and Semiotics - Arts (PUC/SP, 1999); post-doctorate in interdisciplinarity and education by the Group of Studies and Research in Interdisciplinarity at PUC-SP (GEPI-PUC/SP), under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ivani C.A. Fazenda; post-doctorate in Music at IA-UNESP (2015), under the supervision of Prof. D. Yara Caznók, postgraduate lato sensu in instrumental practices and chamber music (Faculty of Music Carlos Gomes-FMCG); specialization in musical interpretation and chamber music with Prof. Walter Bianchi (FMCG); bachelor's degree in instrument - piano (FMCG, 1982); Bachelor of Laws (USP, 1973); short degree in music education and qualification for piano teaching (Instituto Musical de São Paulo, 1967). She studied piano and chamber music with teachers Martin Braunwieser, Sonia Muniz, Roberto Sabbag and Walter Bianchi. She participated in extension courses with national and international interpreters, among them the following stand out: Bruno Seidholfer, Camargo Guarnieri, Rosalyn Tureck, Sérgio Magnani and Homero Magalhães. She was a piano teacher at the Municipal School of Music (EMM) from 1975 to 1999. At FMCG she was a teacher of chamber music and piano (1983 to 1993); deputy director (1985 to 1999); executive director (1999 to 2010); pedagogical coordinator of the undergraduate courses (singing, instrument, composition and conducting) and lato sensu postgraduate courses in music education and music (1998 to 2009). She was a research professor at UNIABC from 2010 to 2012 for the implementation of the Professional Masters in Education; FUNADESP research coordinator scholarship (2012). She has been a professor of the Master's and Doctoral Program in Music at IA-UNESP since 2005. She was director and artistic coordinator of the São Paulo School of Music from 2013 to 2014. She is a researcher at GEPI-PUC/SP and research leader of the Grupo de Research in Music Education at IA-UNESP (G-PEM- IA-UNESP). She was a collaborator in the Pensar e Fazer Arte Project at PUC / SP under the organization of Prof. Dr. Claudio Picollo. Author and organizer of books, collections and texts from scientific journals focused on interdisciplinarity, performance and music education. She was President of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music from 2015 to 2019.


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How to Cite

Musical performance: preliminary stage for research production. (2021). Revista Da Tulha, 7(2), 52-65.