Efficacy of benzodiazepines (BZD) in the treatment of anxiety disorders: a literature review





Psychology, Psychiatry, Benzodiazepines, Psychopharmacology, Anxiety


With the increasing rate of anxiety disorders in the world population, there is a growing need for research on psychotropic drugs that provide treatment experience, safety, and sustainability to the patient. Thus, this research aims to conduct a systematic methodological review of the effectiveness of benzodiazepines (BZD) in the treatment of anxiety disorders (AD). The studies were searched in the PubMed and ScienceDirect databases, using the descriptors: “benzodiazepines” and “anxiety disorder”. The Boolean operator “AND” will be used. Twenty-seven studies were reviewed, with a total sample of 120,418 patients from studies published between 2011 and 2021, including 15 systematic reviews, 5 systematic reviews with meta-analysis, 2 meta-analyses, 1 systematic review with the original study, 1 clinical trial, 1 clinical trial with a case-control study, 1 clinical trial with a prospective study and 1 double-blind clinical trial with placebo. BZD are effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders generalized anxiety and social phobia, but are impractical in terms of quality and safety related to their long-term dependence potential. New drugs have been considered as a possible replacement for BZD for AD. Studies considering other anxiety disorders are needed, in addition to those addressed in this research.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriel Luiz de Jesus Ribeiro, Centro Universitário Atenas - UniAtenas

    Centro Universitário Atenas, Department of Psychology. 

  • Josué da Silva Brito, Faculdade Atenas - Passos/MG

    Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculdade Atenas - Passos/MG.


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Artigos de Revisão/Review Articles

How to Cite

Ribeiro, G. L. de J., & Brito, J. da S. . (2022). Efficacy of benzodiazepines (BZD) in the treatment of anxiety disorders: a literature review. Revista De Medicina, 101(6), e-194499. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1679-9836.v101i6e-194499