Blood coagulation tests in normal horses as compared to tetanic toxin injected horses


  • Roberto Grecchi Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Anatomia Patológica, São Paulo, SP
  • Luiz Ferreira Martins Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Histologia e Embriologia, São Paulo, SP



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The usual tests for evaluating the blood clothing phenomena were performed on equines of both sexes. Two groups were employed, one made of 20 normal animals and the other composed of 10 animals which were being used for the preparation of tetanic antisera. No significant difference was found between the results of the two groups, at the 5% level.
The mean values found from normal animals were:
Coagulation time: 6.3 _+ 1.4 minutes;
recalcification tines 229.5 _+ 45.9 seconds;
platelets: 138.0 _+ 38.0 x 10-3/mm3;
clot retraction: 37.1 _+ 9.3%
protrombine time:
a - 9.6 _+ 2.1 seconds
b - 79.7 _+ 30.3%
protrorabine consumption: 77.2 _+ 12.7%
tromboplastine formation:
a - time of maximal formation: 3.4 _+ 0.8
b - maximal activity in T.C.: 36.0 _+ 10.6 seconds.
The results found in the several tests are similar to the ones that have been found for man. However, the recalcificatior and formation of tromboplastine are longer. Also the platelet number is lower.


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How to Cite

Blood coagulation tests in normal horses as compared to tetanic toxin injected horses. (1963). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária, Universidade De São Paulo, 7(1), 77-100.