Um mapa das relações entre o rap das periferias de São Paulo e o samba

A map of the relations between the rap from the outskirts of São Paulo and the samba


  • Walter Garcia Universidade de São Paulo



Brazilian popular music; materialist cultural criticism; rap; samba; Brazilian contemporary society


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationships that rap produced in the city of São Paulo established with samba since the 1990s. In the interdisciplinary  perspective that one takes, the map presents and analyses seven points: 1) the importance of the samba for the musical formation of MCs and DJs; 2) the samba and the  rap in black parties and later in record companies; 3) the political and social function of the music in leisure time, in the outskirts of São Paulo; 4) the forms of songs that  sought to mix the rap and the samba; 5) the senses of songs and albums that sought to juxtapose the rap and the samba; 6) the conflicts between the rap and the samba  caused by ethnic and racial relationships, ideological disputes, competitions in music market or gender relationships; 7) the contribution of the “pagode” and the rap to  peripheral black male subjectivity construction.


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Author Biography

  • Walter Garcia, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor associado do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB/USP).





Dossiê "Samba: 1917-2017"

How to Cite

Garcia, W. (2018). Um mapa das relações entre o rap das periferias de São Paulo e o samba: A map of the relations between the rap from the outskirts of São Paulo and the samba. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 70, 208-229.