The Situationist International and the idea of a world without borders




border, situationism, coloniality


The recent debate guided by Balibar, Simone, Mbembe and Boaventura on the idea of “a world without borders” evokes questions raised for more than half a century by the Situationist International. Based on the idea of Unitary Urbanism, this avant-garde movement articulated the interpretations of Guy-Ernst Debord (1931-1994) on psychogeography and the practice of drift and the theoretical-artistic experiments of Aton Constant Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005) in painting, in sculpture and architecture, placing the overcoming of borders as a fundamental task of its revolutionary agenda. In this article, against the backdrop of the critique of coloniality, the affinities between the post-war Unitary Urbanism and the current debate on "a world without borders" are discussed. 


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How to Cite

Matos, A. de C. (2022). The Situationist International and the idea of a world without borders. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 20, 130-152.