How would Dostoevsky tell a life


  • Gerard Bensussan Université de Strasbourg



Love, Body, Writing, Event, Lie


The works of Proust and Dostoevsky – beyond the differences that mark them, in particular about a world with or without God, about the difference in the status of the narrator, and regarding interiority – share an essential trait: the characters, the situations, the intrigues that bind them together are never presented according to a principle of causality, which would allow a psychological explanation, but in the order of their perceptions diffracted by the narratives and impressions of the protagonists, and in the sense of their illusions, their beliefs, their certainties, that is to say in their very lives, as Dostoevsky tells them, which is what aroused the admiration of Proust. Two major philosophical questions are thus brought into play in properly romantic terms: what about the truth, what about the real?


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Author Biography

  • Gerard Bensussan, Université de Strasbourg

    Professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, et chercheur aux Archives Husserl de Paris de l’École Normale Supérieure. Spécialiste de l’idéa-lisme classique allemand et de la philosophie juive, il fut à l’initiative de la fondation du Parlement des philosophes de Strasbourg. Membre de plusieurs centres de recherches en France et à l’étranger, ses domaines de travail et de recherche sont la philosophie allemande et ses relations à la pensée juive de langue allemande d’une part; et d’autre part à la philosophie contemporaine, en particulier française.


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