Jan Mukařovský revived: what does it remain of Prague School?


  • Emil Volek Arizona State University




Prague School, Jan Mukařovský, Structuralism, Literary theory


This essay presents a broad overview of Czech structuralism as developed by the Prague School, taking as reference the work of one of its main members: Jan Mukařovský. The study also discusses the problem of international neglect the with regard to the recognition of the School's work, particularly by French intellectuals. In the correlation of Mukařovský's work with more recent (literary) theories, it is considered, in general lines, among others, important aspects of New Criticism, Poststructuralism and Deconstruction.


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Author Biography

  • Emil Volek, Arizona State University

    Professor titular de Literatura Hispano-americana na Arizona State University. Também trabalha com teoria literária e cultura eslava. É tradutor e divulgador de obras do Formalismo Russo, da Escola de Praga e de Mikhail Bakhtin para o espanhol. A RUS agradece ao professor E. Volek e a Andrés Pérez Simón a autorização para traduzir e publicar o presente ensaio neste número especial da RUS.


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MUKAŘOVSKÝ, Jan. Studie z estetiky. Praga: Odeon, 1966.

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How to Cite

Volek, E. (2021). Jan Mukařovský revived: what does it remain of Prague School?. RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(19), 47-66. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2021.188551