On a possible inhabitance of the real in fiction


  • Pedro Rodrigo Penuela Sanches Universidade de São Paulo




Real, Fiction, Performing Arts Theories, Representation.


This article reviews theories about Theater and Dance regarding performing art productions presented since the 1960s (which have been called “post-modern”, “post-dramatic”, “performative theater”, among other notions which aim to mark a kind of turning point in performing arts), in order to point out limits of the critique to representation that such theories intend to accomplish. It is discussed at what level a certain deconstructive way of the logics of representation tend to be built on the same foundations, structured in certain dichotomies, of such logic. Moreover, considering Jacques Rancière’s thought,  other possibilities for a critique of representation are proposed, based on a specific reconceptualization of “fiction”.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Rodrigo Penuela Sanches, Universidade de São Paulo
    Artista e pesquisador da dança. Doutorando em Artes Cênicas pela ECA-USP. Meste em psicologia clínica pelo IP-USP.


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How to Cite

Penuela Sanches, P. R. (2016). On a possible inhabitance of the real in fiction. Sala Preta, 16(2), 195-205. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v16i2p195-205