“Taking risks” is what the audience of new generation wants


  • Giselle Alves Freire Universidade de São Paulo (USP)




Crisis, Fictional, Real, Audience, Dramaturgy.


This paper proposes a reflection on Fischer-Lichte’s text Reality and fiction in contemporary theater and in South American theater. The experience crisis provoked by this movement disarticulated the theater of psychological and fictional realism. This took place due to the rupture through the real manifested by the presence of the phenomenal body of the actor in the scene. This dichotomy can be related to the fact that today’s young audience is in crisis, as pointed by Ruth Manus in an article published in O Estado de São Paulo. She suggests that these people (already working) are willing to take risks and seek for a simple life, which is in contrast with the future that their parents visualized for them. Here I argue how the tension between artist and public reflects this crisis.


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Author Biography

  • Giselle Alves Freire, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    Mestranda em estudos da tradução da FFLCH-USP.


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How to Cite

Freire, G. A. (2017). “Taking risks” is what the audience of new generation wants. Sala Preta, 17(1), 231-241. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v17i1p222-232