Between faces and masks: caricature and photography in the early Argentine illustrated press


  • Andrea Cuarterolo Universidad de Buenos Aires



Caricature, photography, illustrated magazines, photomontage, Argentina.


Despite the debates that, towards 1839, confronted the daguerreotype with the traditional arts, photography and caricature began a fruitful relationship that would extend well into the new century. In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon in the Argentine illustrated press, focusing particularly on pioneering and exemplary Caras y Caretas magazine, which somehow laid the foundation for most of the subsequent local publications. By analyzing the different ways in which caricature interacted with photography, we intend to show the role these pioneering magazines played in the quick process of sophistication and visual training of the local public.


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Author Biography

  • Andrea Cuarterolo, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    PhD in History and Theory of Arts from the University of Buenos Aires. She is an Adjunt researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas  (CONICET) and at the University of Buenos Aires, where she specializes in the study of Argentine and Latin American photography and cinema. She is the author of De la foto al fotograma: Relaciones entre cine y fotografía en la Argentina 1840–1933 (CdF Ediciones, 2013) and the co-editor of Pantallas transnacionales. El cine argentino y mexicano del período clásico (Imago Mundi/Cineteca Nacional de México, 2017). She currently directs with Georgina Torello the journal Vivomatografías. Revista de estudios sobre precine y cine silente en Latinomérica, and co-directs the Latin American Studies Association's Film Festival.


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How to Cite

Between faces and masks: caricature and photography in the early Argentine illustrated press. (2017). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 44(47), 155-177.